The Different Types of Fire Extinguisher and When to Use Them
Fire extinguishers are an important safety measure to always have available. They are the first line of defense when combating fires, and knowing the different types of fire extinguishers and when to use them can be essential to protecting your life and property. We will discuss the different types of fire extinguishers, the extinguishing agents they contain and the types of fires they are designed to put out.
Water Fire Extinguishers
Water fire extinguishers are specifically designed for Class A fires only. Any class A fire involves ordinary combustible materials such as wood, paper, or cloth. These extinguishers are not meant to extinguish any electrical fires or fires that are caused by flammable liquids or gases. These extinguishers can cause electrical shorts when used near electrical equipment.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Fire Extinguishers
Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are designed to put out Class B and C fires. These fires involve flammable liquids and gases such as oil, gasoline, flammable paints and propane. CO2 extinguishers work by removing the oxygen that the fire needs in order to burn. These extinguishers are not effective on Class A fires.
Halotron Extinguishers
Halotron extinguishers are ideal for Class A, B, and C fires. They contain a clean agent that does not leave any residue or conduct electricity, making them safe to use on most fires including electrical fires and flammable liquids or gases.
Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers
Dry chemical fire extinguishers are the standard these days and are designed to put out Class A, B, and C fires. These extinguishers work by disrupting the chemical reaction of the fire to stop it from burning. What happens is, the dry chemical forms a barrier between the fuel and the oxygen, which smothers the flames. ABC Dry Chemical extinguishers are effective on most fires, but can be corrosive to sensitive electronic equipment.
Understanding Smoke Alarm Chirps
Smoke alarms are our silent guardians, but when they start chirping, they can be quite vocal about it. Keep in mind that not all chirps are created equal. They can be the alarm’s way of communicating various issues, from a simple battery change to more serious problems.
Understanding each type of smoke alarm chirping noise helps with identifying the cause of the chirping. The initial steps in assessing a smoke alarm include checking for smoke and assessing the pattern of beeping. Knowing the difference between a low battery warning, an end-of-life signal, or a malfunction alert can save you a lot of trouble—and a lot of sleep!
Essential Tips on How to Put Out a Grease Fire Quickly & Safely
If you’re faced with a grease fire, know that fast and correct actions can save your home. Knowing how to put out a grease fire involves immediate steps you can take to extinguish flames safely—like smothering the fire with a metal lid and using baking soda—but equally important is knowing what not to do, such as throwing water on the fire, which can exacerbate the situation. This guide outlines what to do in the crucial first moments of a grease fire and offers practical advice on safely resolving these dangerous situations and the proper extinguishers to use.
Ensuring Safety: How Often Do Fire Extinguishers Need to be Inspected?
When it comes to fire safety, knowing “how often do fire extinguishers need to be inspected” is crucial. The answer is straightforward: Monthly visual inspections should be performed, and annual maintenance is required by a certified professional. This article unpacks the timeline and specifics of these inspections, detailing what the NFPA and OSHA demand to keep your fire extinguishers in check and ready to use.
Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers
Wet chemical fire extinguishers are designed to put out Class K fires. Class K involves cooking oils and fats. These extinguishers work by creating a chemical reaction and actually turning the oil or fat into a soap-like substance which smothers the flames. Wet chemical fire extinguishers are not suitable for any other types of fires.
Contact A&J Fire Extinguisher if you have any questions about fire safety. We can be reached at 718-852-2762 or by email at Our team of trained experts will be able to provide you with information that you need to stay safe and protected in the event of a fire.
You should know the different types of fire extinguishers and when to use them. This is knowledge that can make a huge difference in putting out a fire and staying safe. Each different type of extinguisher is designed to put out specific types of fires and if you use the wrong type of extinguisher, it can be ineffective or even dangerous. Unsure which type of fire extinguisher to use? – evacuate the area and call the fire department immediately.